Refletir sobre a inserção de empresas jornalísticas no campo das mídias sociais (MS) e a função de editor de mídias sociais é o objetivo deste artigo, que analisa dois casos: o da Folha de S. Paulo e o de La Nación (Costa Rica). No ranking das mídias sociais mais usadas para buscar notícias no mundo estão Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, WhatsApp e Google+. O Brasil é o maior usuário do Facebook entre todos os países do globo. O crescimento das MS como fonte para a busca de notícias e a participação dos leitores em rede alertaram as empresas jornalísticas para monitorar e interatuar nesse espaço. The New York Times foi o primeiro a criar a função de Editor de Mídias Sociais, acompanhado por Sky News, BBC e Daily News; no Brasil, O Estado de S. Paulo, UOL, Folha de S. Paulo, Zero Hora. À luz da Teoria do Gatekeeping, esta pesquisa está baseada em etnografia e entrevistas com jornalistas. Resultados sugerem um cargo ainda sem contornos precisos, cuja relevância vem sendo reconhecida.
To reflect on the insertion of media companies in the field of social media (MS) and on the function of the social media editor is the purpose of this article, which analyzes two cases: Folha de S. Paulo (Brazil) and La Nación (Costa Rica). In the ranking of the world’s most used social media to get news are Facebook,YouTube, Twitter, WhatsApp and Google+. Brazil is the largest user of Facebook among all countries. The growth of MS as a source for news search and the participation of the readers warned news organizations to monitor and interact in this space. The New York Times was the first to create the role of Social Media Editor, accompanied by Sky News, BBC and Daily News; in Brazil, O Estado de S. Paulo, UOL, Folha de S. Paulo, Zero Hora. This research is based on ethnography and interviews with journalists, under the frame of the Gatekeeping Theory. Results suggest a function even without precise contour lines, whose relevance is still being recognized.
This comparative study documents how newsrooms with different media systems and cultures share a common connection regarding the content publishing systems. The authors argue that the challenges that the online journalists face with these systems in many situations is that the systems were created not with the reader or journalist in mind, but the creator of the system. Lastly, findings are presented of how each newsroom’s CMS structure influences the level of presentation and its implications on the quality of journalism that is produced. The authors discuss the implications of the findings and how alternative formats such as open-source content management systems may provide a new level of journalism in this delicate relationship between content and production. Additional areas of further investigation are also suggested.
>> Access
Vassilis Koutkias, Nick Kaklanis, Konstantinos Votis, Dimitrios Tzovaras, Nicos Maglaveras
As we are moving rapidly to a digital economy, accessing and effectively using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in everyday life is widely recognized as an important requirement. However, the accessibility technologies that we have up to date are meeting the needs of only some, at a very high cost and, as a consequence, accessible ICT for all people still remains a major research and development goal. This work presents an integrated ontological framework for the semantic representation of terms and concepts (i.e., related to user needs and preferences (N&P) with respect to ICT use, as well as solutions, platforms and devices) that are required for addressing the universal accessibility in the scope of the Cloud4all project and the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII). Cloud4all aims at advancing and building upon the concept of GPII through the development of the necessary tools and models for making ICT accessible for all by exploiting the cloud computing paradigm. The main goal of the proposed framework lays in the separation between generalized accessibility concepts, user interaction mechanisms and N&P with the particular details of different ICT artifacts. Thus, the framework aims at integrating concepts related with user N&P, as well as ICT solutions, platforms, devices and their customizable settings along with information concerning their vendors or implementers, in order to (a) offer the necessary expressiveness for defining/representing personal N&P across applications, platforms and devices, (b) link N&P with the conditions/context according to which these shall be applicable for (e.g., considering the user activity and the physical environment), (c) link interaction requirements (originated from user characteristics) with N&P and (d) support the Cloud4all matchmaking process through the mapping between N&P and application-specific settings based on semantic rules and automatic reasoning techniques.
Key words: Universal accessibility - User needs and preferences - Accessible ICT - Ontologies - Semantic modeling - Cloud computing
João Teixeira Araujo, Gláucia Braga e Silva, Daniel Mendes Barbosa1, Aislan R. Almeida Leite
Este trabalho propõe um ambiente colaborativo de apoio ao desenvolvimento de projetos acadêmicos, denominado COLAB-UFV, que oferecerá suporte ao trabalho de equipes multidisciplinares, no que compete à coordenação das atividades desenvolvidas, à produção cooperativa de artefatos e à comunicação entre os membros de um projeto. Dessa forma, o ambiente irá proporcionar o aprendizado por experimentação, estimulando o trabalho em equipe e a comunicação entre os envolvidos. O ambiente também abrangerá a análise do desempenho dos membros das equipes através de medições sobre dados colaborativos. Esses dados serão integrados semanticamente, a partir do uso de uma ontologia do domínio das colaborações em projetos.
This paper proposes a collaborative environment to support the development of academic projects called COLAB-UFV that will provide support to work of multidisciplinary teams with regard to activities coordination, cooperative production of artifacts and communication between stakeholders. In this way the proposed environment will provide learning by experimentation through the encouragement of team work and communication between stakeholders. The environment will also comprise the evaluation of team members performance through measurements of collaborative data. These data will be integrated semantically by the use of a project collaboration domain ontology.